12/20/24: Shazza McKenzie vs Ava Everett

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Shoot Date: December 20, 2024
Match Length: 7-10 minutes, no ref
Attire: Shazza in gear, Ava in purple 2pc gear, or blue 1pc gear

Brief Outline: Shazza’s keen to prove herself against the best NEFW has to offer but a superkick from Ava followed by a Barbie crusher gets her off to a rocky start but she shocks Everett by kicking out! Ava follows up but misses a cutter and gets caught with a Shazztastic Stunner with Shazza posing in the split to long before going for the cover. Momentum goes back and forth as both wresters hitting signatures throughout with the opposition continuing to kick out with mutual respect building almost as fast as frustration. Late Ava hits a picture perfect cutter but again Shazza kicks out, she tries to put McKenzie away with a tombstone but Shazza counters and nails Ava with several heart punches in a row followed by a Shazztastic stunner into a Shazzmission for a hard earned tap out!

Crowdfunding FAQS
  • What is the purpose of crowdfunding matches?
  • Crowdfunding matches are for people who have a match in mind that they would like to see happen, but may not have all of the funds to be able to afford an entire custom match. So the match is opened up to all visitors who might like to donate to see the match get filmed.
  • How much does it cost to start a crowdfunding match?
  • It costs at least $50 to start a crowdfunding match. You can pay more if you would like, but $50 is the minimum.
  • When would I receive my download for crowdfunding a match?
  • You would receive the link to download the crowdfunded match the same as if you had ordered the match on your own. There is no difference there.
  • What happens if a match I donate to does not hit 100%?
  • If a crowdfunded match does not hit it's 100% goal, then the money that was donated towards that match will be refunded to anyone who donates to that match.
  • How can I submit a custom match for crowdfunding?
  • The same way you would submit a custom match normally. Just send us an email and let us know you would be interested in trying to crowdfund your match. You can give us as much or as little detail as you want in the match. Just keep in mind, the more specific your match details are, it may be harder to find other customers interested in donating.
  • Can I submit a match for crowdfunding that does not feature wrestlers who are on the upcoming custom shoot?
  • Technically yes you can. However all match submissions are subject to the availability of wrestlers involved and ourselves, to get everyone in the same location to film the match. And we would have to set a goal date as so that we can know how long the match has to get funded.

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