1082: Cassandra Golden vs Hania
Cassandra tries to trade holds with Hania but from wrist to head to drop toehold, Hania has enough of it. Hania hates the art of chaining. She just wants to hurt someone. Cassandra gets choked on the ropes and hair-mared away to a buckle where she gets struck with serious kicks. From buckle to buckle Cassandra tries to get it together but Hania gets her foot in Cassandra’s throat. First fall goes to Hania with a powerful ten count pin. Playing fair isn’t always Hania’s strong suit, but she allows Cassandra to get to her feet at least before she drives her shoulder into Cassandra’s abs. Cassandra has had enough this round and wrenches Hania in a sleeper hold and a body scissor. The second fall goes to Cassandra. Who will win the best of these, leading to a majority victory!? Watch to see!

Price: $15.00
Runtime: 14:27
Filesize: 737 MB
Format: wmv

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