1089: Alex Gracia vs Amber O'Neal & Madi Maxx
A competitive match blowing through the starting lockup right to wrist control sends Hania on the sell but Hania works on reversing the chain, backing Amber into the corner and keeping her there with knee strikes. Snap mare out of the corner prepares Amber for Hania’s driving kick to the back of the head, only scoring a two count. Amber fights back reversing the whip and coming in hot with an elbow but Hania takes it back with a whip and a splash. Frustrated as can be, Amber slows it down poking Hania in the eyes to stun her long enough to choke some life out of her. With Amber being devious, she is one to grab the face, a sure trigger for Hania who gets sent into overdrive with rage. This is any woman’s game and both have the undying will to win! Who will get the last word?!