1243: Ava Everett vs Danny
Ava gets into a waist lock but reverses on the quick only to be drop toehold down. Danny slips on a headlock and Ava throws his head into a head scissors. A quick roll to the top of his head and he gets right back into the headlock. Ava is no slouch though so his head ends up right between her scissor. Young and spry, Danny gets out and rolls Ava to her stomach to put kadagatame on for a big pose. The crafty platinum honey finds a headlock on the boy but gets locked in and overhand wrist lock. These two go hold for hold in a very technically sound battle for control. No one matches Ava in personality today on the scene so you’re going to want to see where this chain that doesn’t seem to break ends!


Price: $10.00
Runtime: 12:10
Filesize: 620 MB
Format: wmv