1598: Alex Gracia vs Vipress
Alex comes to the ring ready for her next match but finds it littered with steel chairs. Vipress then sneaks out from under the ring and nails Alex with a low blow, and tosses her into the ring. Vipress then uses all of those steel chairs to demolish Alex and inflict as much pain as she can and torture Alex as much as she can. Not only hitting Alex with the chairs, but also slamming her face into the chairs and driving her face into the chairs with a ddt. After Alex tries to mount a feeble attempt at a comeback, Vipress quickly cuts her off and drives her face first into a chair again with a final pedigree and pins her with a cocky pin, and adds another win to her tally.

Price: $10.00
Runtime: 08:29
Filesize: 430 MB
Format: wmv